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>this is my Father’s world…

>The weather has been especially harsh lately and I am a wimp, so I have not been going out for my usual walks. This morning was 50 degrees and foggy so I set out with a song in my heart and saw wondrous things:: a live oak in a field of waving, orange grass, the [...]

>more toms

>hannah’s toms Hannah’s mom ordered these for her for Christmas. What a great idea! taylor’s toms Taylor requested a doodle look for her toms with some specific elements…hearts, peace signs, and palm trees, etc – she lives on the coast. These were fun, though time-consuming. We’re freezing here and, although I love my Uggs, I [...]


> I was browsing through photos and came across some snowy pictures from last year. I believe we had four or five big snows and I took lots of pictures, downloaded them, but never really looked at them. This particular freeze frosted the trees, but not the ground and I love the way the golden [...]


> Winter is an etching, spring a watercolor, summer an oil painting and autumn a mosaic of them all. -Stanley Horowitz Thank you, Father, for delighting us with the beauty of Your creation everyday of the year and so sweetly giving evidence of Your existence and unconditional love.


> Thanksgiving and Christmas are fast-approaching and I feel as if I just wrote these same words a few weeks ago…but it was last year. Time really does fly. It is nice to be able to capture a moment in time and hold it for a while. Wishing you bountiful blessings and special moments this [...]


> This is my little calf, Gingersnap, nibbling at the rose bushes outside my studio. See why I can’t get any work done?! One animal or another is always doing something cute and causing me to get side-tracked.

>tufted titmouse redo

> …and here he is with his new yellow/green background.


> This huge moth was in our backyard and my husband, knowing me so well, called me out there to see it. I couldn’t wait to paint it. When I showed it to my 96 year-old great aunt, she identified it, but I will need to look it up to see how to spell it.

>brave little wren

> This is kind of a stylized wren, but I think he’s cute and has spunk. Wrens are some of my favorite birds because they are so brave and friendly. They sing a beautiful song, too.

>look up

> This sweet little bird was on my bird bath and serves as a reminder to look up. It just so happens to illustrate a verse my friend, Beverly, sent to me this morning, “He seldom reflects on the days of his life, because God keeps him occupied with gladness of heart.” Ecclesiastes 5:20 When [...]

>blake’s toms

> Another pair of TOMS. These were for a teenage girl who loves music and these colors. I’m so thankful for my girls who are always available to advise me on younger, hipper looks than I would be able to come up with. Thanks, Lily!

>tufted titmouse

> I am feeling pretty smart right now. My paintings are small enough that I can scan them – I don’t have to photograph and download them. Maybe I will post more often. I can see that I will need to crop the shadow in the future. I’m not sure I love the pink background. [...]