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>off we go

>I’ll be at the Hico Antiques Fair, Friday and Saturday, with my good friends, JoCarol and Carol. The Love Boat (big white Excursion) and trailer are packed full. All of this to go into a 10′x12′ booth space. Sounds impossible, but I guarantee we will make it work. If we can stop laughing long enough [...]


> This is the spot where we built our house. Looking at this painting makes me wonder if we should have left it alone. We have cluttered it up. It’s still pretty, but now there are cars, a fence, water hoses, a driveway, cats, dogs, bird feeders, people. All the things that go along with [...]

>this would be pretty…

> if it weren’t so tragic. Will the entire state burn up before the wildfires are contained? No rain. So dry. And the wind. It is relentless. A fire broke out last summer on the property next to us and burned about 15 acres. Knowing the strength and stamina that it took to put out [...]

>if you’re a cow…

> you want to live at our house. They have it made. In the shade. They are content because they’ve just finished off the last of my daylilies.

>round bales in sunflowers

> We were driving home one evening and saw this field of sunflowers with round bales. It was truly a beautiful sight and I wish I could have captured it just as it was. Here is my attempt and even though it is lacking, it makes me happy to look at it.

>indigo bunting

> sold This indigo bunting was on our back fence and was startling with its bright, solid blue coloring. I’ve not seen one before or since he and his mate came around last Spring. They were here for a short time, gave us a little thrill and went on their way. Spring is coming and [...]

>bess’s lamp

> This lamp belonged to my great-grandmother, Bess. The shade isn’t the original, but when I saw it in Uncommon Objects in Austin, I knew it would be perfect, as is, on this special lamp. Together, it’s one of my favorite things.

>framed eggs

> Birds’ eggs are tiny, fragile little jewels. I enjoyed working on these and marveled at the detail and perfection of each one.

>karen’s toms

> I can’t remember why, but I’m sure there is a good reason that the only pictures I got of these were taken in my car with my phone. What in the world?!

>more pillows

> These two are large – 20 x 26 and 22 x 22 – and look great, if I do say so myself, on a sofa or bed.


> I painted these eggs on old ivory piano keys. Once again, combining my love of music and nature. I’ve got 13 framed and ready to photograph. I’ll post pictures of them as soon as I take them. Happy almost-Spring!

>my new venture…

> I am launching a line of goods featuring my artwork! It will include pillows made of burlap and pillow ticking, purses and tote bags, aprons, cup towels and whatever-else tickles my fancy. I will officially launch in June at Dallas and Atlanta markets. Here’s a sneak peak: The paintings {this is my calf, Gingersnap} [...]