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great horned owl

When we first moved to the country, we would see these magnificent birds often. The first time I saw one standing on the ground beyond our yard, I wasn’t sure what it was. It looked like a cat, but much larger. It’s gotten rather crowded out here (for the country) and I guess we humans [...]


This was a fun painting session with my friend, Roxanne. She had painted a feather that I really liked, we went for a walk and found a blue jay feather, so it was decided…we’d paint three different feathers. The first one took most of our time so we set a timer for the other two. It was [...]

painted painted bunting

Since this bird I painted is called a painted bunting, the blog post title seems right. These birds live in our area from April through August and never cease to amaze us with their brilliant colors and pretty song. We have at least two pairs coming to the feeder this year and I take lots of pictures, but since I [...]

>round bales in sunflowers

> We were driving home one evening and saw this field of sunflowers with round bales. It was truly a beautiful sight and I wish I could have captured it just as it was. Here is my attempt and even though it is lacking, it makes me happy to look at it.

>indigo bunting

> sold This indigo bunting was on our back fence and was startling with its bright, solid blue coloring. I’ve not seen one before or since he and his mate came around last Spring. They were here for a short time, gave us a little thrill and went on their way. Spring is coming and [...]


> Thanksgiving and Christmas are fast-approaching and I feel as if I just wrote these same words a few weeks ago…but it was last year. Time really does fly. It is nice to be able to capture a moment in time and hold it for a while. Wishing you bountiful blessings and special moments this [...]


> This is my little calf, Gingersnap, nibbling at the rose bushes outside my studio. See why I can’t get any work done?! One animal or another is always doing something cute and causing me to get side-tracked.

>tufted titmouse redo

> …and here he is with his new yellow/green background.


> This huge moth was in our backyard and my husband, knowing me so well, called me out there to see it. I couldn’t wait to paint it. When I showed it to my 96 year-old great aunt, she identified it, but I will need to look it up to see how to spell it.

>brave little wren

> This is kind of a stylized wren, but I think he’s cute and has spunk. Wrens are some of my favorite birds because they are so brave and friendly. They sing a beautiful song, too.

>look up

> This sweet little bird was on my bird bath and serves as a reminder to look up. It just so happens to illustrate a verse my friend, Beverly, sent to me this morning, “He seldom reflects on the days of his life, because God keeps him occupied with gladness of heart.” Ecclesiastes 5:20 When [...]

>tufted titmouse

> I am feeling pretty smart right now. My paintings are small enough that I can scan them – I don’t have to photograph and download them. Maybe I will post more often. I can see that I will need to crop the shadow in the future. I’m not sure I love the pink background. [...]