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>Peachy Keen, 6×6 in., oil Stacked Up, 6×6 in., oil More Cherries, 6×6 in., oil It’s been a busy, busy summer, but I’m managing to paint some. Whoever came up with the idea of setting priorities was onto something. Like right now, my priority is to post on my blog and eat the fresh, Texas-grown [...]

>three of a kind

>Three of a Kind, 6×6 in., oil on linen Finally! Once again, I’ve let life throw me completely out of rhythm and gone way too long without painting. The two attempts before this one were not good and I really believed I had forgotten how. I’ve been stewing and agonizing for weeks, just to give [...]

>Almost Empty

> “Almost Empty” 6×6 in. This is the same little wren’s nest that I used in the previous nest painting. Isn’t it amazing how color and lighting change the mood? The possibilities (one of my favorite words) are endless. Sorry about the reflection in the photo…should have taken a better one, but….I’d rather start another [...]


> Here’s a little sample of what I’ve been up to. David found this tiny nest on the ground (we’d never take one out of a tree…the birds sometimes reuse nests from year to year) and brought it to me to either paint or put in my “dead area” as he calls it. I call [...]